| - Stopped by with my boyfriend today after saying, "It can't possibly be THAT bad." At least not worse than I remember. Oh no dear reader, it was much worse. I write this review while we both lay around the house in misery bemoaning the urge to throw it all up but courting an even greater urge not to have to taste any of it ever again.
The restaurant decor is punctuated by signs telling you not to take more than you can eat so they don't have to charge more. "They can raise the prices all they want," my boyfriend grunted as he pushed an unfinished plate away. "I am NEVER coming here again! They can't make me!"
The buffet is full of whatever they can find that wont cost them too much. Jello, sushi made out of cream cheese, fried rice that's not actually fried - just mixed with yellow food coloring the best we can tell. I ate a mislabeled shrimp wrapped in what I think was a chicken patty...only the shrimp hadn't been cleaned. The chow main was made with spaghetti noodles. The only items were eating were the egg rolls and banana halves rolled around in strawberry syrup, which I imagine came frozen. Everything else is either stale, old, lukewarm, under-cooked, or questionably labeled. A tray of shrimp in sauce were labeled "Pigs Feet" and left mostly untouched by the diners.
The last straw came when I sampled an empty cream puff. (Though my boyfriends managed to get filling in it.)
They didn't ask us if we enjoyed our meal when we paid.
I imagine they don't really care.
"Don't worry honey," my boyfriend said on the ride home. "If the spaghetti-mein was that slippery going down just think of how slippery it will be coming out."
Oh no.