| - COBBLER FRAUD. Ok, your calling yourself a Cobbler shop (and who does that), yet your admitting to me that your peaches are not fresh, but "hey it tastes like it does huh". I'm glad that I just asked for a taste of the cobbler to avoid getting more riled up and then luckily asked the nice lady about her peaches. How cheap are some places and then it was obvious the sample had been nuked because it was microwave hot and not fresh out of the oven. Then I'm thinking, hmmm I never had a frozen apple before, the apple cobbler must be fresh right - apples are like 10 cents each. But to my horror, those apples are also canned, frozen or otherwise not fresh. All of this could have been avoided if I never stepped foot in the place and just stared at the sign. Karim doesn't make cobbler, Grandma does, Karim just thinks he can call himself whatever he wants - oh its cobbler allright, but granny would be rolling over in her grave at these frozen, canned and nuked frauds.