I went here with my first pregnancy and didn't have any issues. However, in October 2016 I was told at about 15 weeks that I was having a girl. However, a month later when I was at my doctor getting an ultrasound we were both shocked to see that in fact I was having a boy. I texted Maria right away and she got me in for an ultrasound the next day. She confirmed that I was having a boy. She said initially the baby's legs were crossed and she couldn't see the gender that well. Well then she should have rescheduled me instead of guessing! I was obviously upset at that appointment bc I had spent a month thinking I was having a girl, buying clothes, had picked a name, told everyone we know, etc. While I was crying she made me go out a side exit so I wouldn't upset her next appointment. Oh I'm sorry that I inconvenienced you! I wasn't hysterical, just had tears in my eyes. I could have walked out the normal exit and no one would have even noticed me. I wasn't going to make a scene. She said she would give me a percentage of my money back or I could come back in around 30 weeks to see the baby then. We chose to do the later ultrasound. Her website said the gender is 100% guaranteed so that needs to be taken down. If I have a third baby I won't be returning. Every time I think about this it just makes me sad. However I'm so thankful for my precious, healthy little boy.