Note to Goodwill Industries: If your going to include the word "Super" in your moniker, you had better deliver!
There are few things I love more in life than thrift store shopping. So when I found myself in the area with some time to kill and a Goodwill advertising itself as "Super" I nearly peed my pants! In a good way.
I walked through the door and was met with..... disappointment. There was nothing fabulous about this place. It was just super ordinary. Just a bunch of picked over, mediocre run-of-the-mill stuff.
Thrift store shopping is akin to treasure hunting. You hunt in a dedicated and diligent manner and eventually you get lucky. The same philosophy applies to this place I guess. Eventually something stellar will turn up but it's not worth the trip and it will probably be covered in stripper glitter, sweat and the faint scent of regret. Yuicky!