So a few days ago the home button on my iphone craps out. I go to Bell, where I purchased it and where my contract will thankfully soon expire. They diagnose the problem, then shrug and tell me to take it to Apple. I go upstairs to the Apple store. No joy, they say - we don't fix the home button. You just have to buy another phone.
Thankfully I used the old noodle for once and googled iphone repair in Toronto. Irepair was just around the corner from me and had excellent reviews. I went over there right away and the problem was quickly re-diagnosed and repaired in less than an hour, and with a six-month warranty to boot. Quick, efficient, reasonably priced service. Talking to the people at Irepair alone cured my ugly mood which had resulted from talking to the fine folks at Bell and Apple. I would recommend them to anyone.