Yet again. This post office has done the most to be useless. Apparently now the supervisor is useless as well, considering the employee who "helped" me told me that her supervisor said they couldn't process my USPS SHIPPING LABEL. The label my boss got from the USPS website. They caused the checks I needed to send out to be late because they simply did not want to scan the PREPAID packages I needed to send off. How do I know this woman and the supervisor have no idea what the hell they are doing? I went in this morning to drop off the SAME packages to a different location, and there was absolutely NO problem. They scanned my items in 5 minutes and gave me my receipt. Whoever the Asian woman is behind the counter, needs to be fired along with her supervisor. She was rude, a terrible listener, horrid employee and one of the main reason I will not be returning. This location has some of the worst employees I've experienced. There are a few good ones but for the most part this place is miserable.