This place goes to show you that crooks won't stay in business long. Their sign is gone and one of their buildings looks empty so it looks like they finally screwed too many people and are moving on or just changing their name or something. Anyway, I stupidly bought a car there a few years ago. It was a decent price and they were friendly but that are the only positives I have. The car was basically a piece of junk which wouldn't have been so bad if the "extended warranty" I bought from Euro was actually from a company that was still in business. That's right, I bought the extended warranty thing for like 2 grand and never used it because the company went out of business. Euro Imports kept making excuses and wouldn't give the money back. Big shocker there. So, like a fool, I spent tons of cash at their repair shop and the loaner car they promised was non-existent. All around it was a pain in the ass and I am glad they are out of business. I have learned my lesson to never again buy a used car at one of those shady places on Scottsdale Road. Do yourself a favor and go to the dealership. Right, it may cost you a few extra bucks, but if you are going to get screwed, get screwed by a company won't go out of business in 3 years.
Every single person at Euro Imports was a liar and a crook and I would think twice about hiring any one of them at another dealership.