I shop here but only because of the location. If I wasn't lazy and was willing to drive to the Giant Eagle Market District in Solon or if I could get out of Heinen's without handing over my entire paycheck I would pass on this place.
The store itself is setup weird, they funnel you like a cattle through produce to get to the rest of the store otherwise you have to go through the checkout lanes (in reverse) to get to the other areas.
The produce section is hit or miss, depending on when you get there. Being vegetarian and having a shitty or spotty produce section already puts you on the, "I wish I went somewhere else" list everything else not withstanding.
They constantly run out of the stuff I usually buy (I am brand loyal on a few specific products like bread). That is frustrating in and of itself, but it happens EVERY time I am in there and with different items.
Finally, they never seem to have enough registers opened when needed. I try to use the self checkout whenever I can to avoid dealing with people but sometimes that is backed up even more than the regular lines. Overall, this store kind of depresses me, I want to get in an out as quick as I can so I can get on with whatever I am doing. When I go to other places I actually enjoy looking at the various offerings...not here.