Being that I was on a Light Rail pub crawl, I had to take advantage of the light rail...I walked down from Mill Avenue to the Light Rail and boarded the train to Priest & Washington. My friend has written about odd folks on the light rail, and this was no exception. On the way back from the bar I sat too far from where the train would stop. After it finally stopped, I began walking toward it and realizing it was further away than I expected, I started jogging (and drunk jogging is not impressive). Still, as I drew closer the chimes sounded and the door started to close before I made it - then an arm came through stopping the door and I was able to board. It was an older guy who appeared to be in the same condition I was in - or worse. A few young college students were behind me and starring at him in amazement as he started talking to me. He asked me if I was from here. Queen Creek I said. Oh, you are from here? Well, really from Ohio. He said but from Earth? He told me that he mostly recently came from Albuquerque and he was trying to get back on this train. He talked to me about time travel and how his relatives came from St. Louis on a wagon and it took 6 months. Isn't an airplane a form of time travel? You can make the same journey in 3 hours. How is that possible? I did keep up the conversation with him because he really into his tale and would agree to any BS I threw out there. I said telephones might be the next time travel machine and this light rail was a form of time travel also. He talked about Einstein and Relativity... As we reached the Mill exit he said he was trying to ride the train back to Albuquerque and maybe if he stayed on it he would find his way back....good luck with that - but thanks for holding the door for me!