| - In March 2015, we chose George Brazil from a recommended service provider list from SRP, to inspect our AC unit in a recently purchased home in Arizona. We just wanted to be sure the AC was in good condition although it seemed to work just fine. A very personable service rep. showed up and proceeded to tell us all the things that were wrong and dangerous with our unit. Taking the bait, we ended up purchasing a new thermostat, capacitor and several other "essential" items to the tune of $1022.16. (No typo here, that is one thousand, twenty-two dollars. Now, less than a year later, we are back in AZ and GB calls to set up an appt. for our FREE AC inspection. Today, another personable tech arrived, checked the system and discovered that we now need to install a "Hard Start Kit" that if done today would only cost $346.00, but more if we requested it later. My husband declined the generous offer. I agree w/all the other negative reviews in that George Brazil's primary goal is to sell, sell, sell, new, overpriced, often unnecessary equipment to gullible homeowners like us. We will NEVER use them again. How the SRP keeps them on a preferred list is a mystery.