Don't buy your pets from here. Ever.
Experience 1: I went to a different PetSmart and bought a cornsnake (review for them also was written at that time) that had caught my eye to add to my collection. They claimed it was a male in perfect health. When I went to the backroom to look at him, he was being kept in a cage sitting on a cold cement floor, and I guess at night they unplug the heat pads to ALL the reptiles... well, if they knew anything about reptiles they would know they need constant heat. I bought the snake out of pity and when I got it home it gave all my other snakes parasites, it bit like crazy and it refused to eat. I kept it for 6 weeks in hopes it would eat. But there was no improvement. I took it back and all they would give me was a gift card... like I would want to buy another $160 pet from them... and then when I told the reptile care person that it had parasites he told me that their "vet certified guarantee" was just a lie and the only time the animals got vet checks was when they looked sick.
Experience 2: Bought a hamster from them. It's blind and deaf (confirmed by a vet). When I discussed it with one of the employees there she LAUGHED and said "oh wow, that's strange"... well thanks for that revelation... I would NEVER take him back though because I still love him and would rather he not be euthanised or whatever they do to them there.