I HATE THIS PLACE!!! I have prolly wasted close to $200 in produce that was just horrid!!! Why are the watermelons yellow inside? Why cant i find even 1 strawberry carton without a moldy surprise in the middle? Why dont you ever have blueberries? And why do your black an redberrys always taste bitter an awful? Why are your oranges and peaches dull colorless and FLAVORLESS!!! I know walmart buys genetically modified foods, an I realize when you mass produce a super fast growing food it will lack some nutrition an flavor but holy shit, I constantly ask where they are buying this from?
Let me also say that when the whole walmart closing thing happened, this store changed aswell! The isles are all temporary or move/remove able.
As well as many other hints and give aways that this place is ready to be turned into a prison or "shelter"
Dont support these factions! All your doing is keeping the rich richer and the poor suffering!
There are a few local grocery stores that are family owned, one is hispanic and the other is greek i think. And its so much better, lemme say I actually love going to those places.
Ill stick with safeway for fruits and veggies from now on.... I cant take it anymore, id rather pay more for food i will eat, then pay less for food that i toss out immediately after cutting into it
Sad day walmart sad day! Maybe you should just stick with your plans for turning into a prison