Honestly the worst medicinal marijuana dispensary I've gone too. I have depression, so I take a sativa strain, with around 17% THC. Or I take a high sativa strain, with around 32% THC, then after, I smoke a high CBD strain to counteract the euphoric head high caused by the THC. You would want to smoke a CBD with about 17% CDB and at THC content of under 1.00% to counteract the head high from the sativa strain. So when I went in to explain what I needed, they just really didn't care, all they care about is selling shitty weed for money. This shop is no medicinal marijuana dispensary, they run it as a recreational shop. Well about the weed, it's the worst I have ever smoked, super dry and a distasteful flavor. All I have to say is this place is Pathetic!