At first, I would only use Uber taxi, which on its own is a great way to get s taxi and pay credit card... Ever try to pay a taxi you called or flagged by credit card? Good luck with that!
I started using Uber X, which is the lowest price and 80% of the time it's a great experience. Nice people, clean cars, and fast pick ups.
Knowing when your car is arriving down to the minute is great, especially on these cold winter days!
My problem rides had to do with dishonest drivers who claimed the drop off was further than it was. Thankfully the difference wasn't a lot, but it's a trip I take by Uber regularly so if the fare is off the average it's instantly noticeable.
I wasn't thrilled with Uber customer service in this regard, they just arbitrarily decide the corrected fare which wasn't what I usually pay, and they email you a ton but the actual messages from humans don't seem to respond to your specific query.
The honest drivers, convenience and lower than taxi rates will keep me using it.