I've been coming to Central Christian in Henderson since my world was turned upside down in 2008. I'm not much of a church person but I've always felt spiritual and wanted to explore faith and soul issues. It's funny I thought it was maybe an IKEA on the side of the freeway before - its huge! Central rocks! It's about stories. Life stories. Stories of messed up people in the bible. Pastor Jud always gets me to cry - those universal truths that you find yourself nodding in agreement. Encouraging you to use whatever crappy job you have to serve God - in this city where you feel like such a peon working in the casinos doing the same movements over and over that really matters and resonates. Where it's ok to come to church if you still have vices but want to work on them. Central helped me repair a rift with my brother. I feel like this is a church for people living in the REALITY of Las Vegas - not the perfect little goody two shoes judgmental church but real grace. Between Sunday, Wednesday and online - I've never missed a sermon in years.
I also wanted to mention how accessible and classy the staff was with me. The Women's Pastor met with me in an office visit over a slight butt hurt thing that came up for me and Pastor Jud emailed me back personally when I had a question about gays and religion. This really mattered to me. I didn't feel like it's all flash I feel this is real love and grace.
Splash Fest 2014 - baptisms, food trucks and water park bounce houses for kids. Lol 'cause that's how WE roll!
Sob..no more Weekends on Wednesday! It's hard getting up a few hours later when you work in casinos very late Sat night but I will have to try.