I took my Bassett hound in on Wednesday 11/7/12 she has something wrong with her left eye looked greyish. They did no testing and gave her drops for possibly being bitten, by Saturday morning the eye was almost completely grey and I took her back the doctor came in didn't even look into her eyes and said it has to be Valley Fever and needed to do blood work but started treatment on Saturday and would call when the results came in. She acted like I was wasting her time by asking questions about Valley Fever. I just moved to Arizona and had never heard of it. So we did blood work and more medicine and off we go. By Tuesday afternoon I get the call saying quit giving her the pills for Valley Fever and take her to the Eye dr for animals it must be glaucoma and they can't help. So, after $300.00 with them and another $300.00 for the eye dr YES she does have glaucoma and is blind in the eye I believe they possibly could have saved her sight if she had been diagnosis properly