First, I brought my truck in to get a alignment. I explained to the "Manager" what kind of work had been done. Alignment was done, later on during the week the truck started pulling real bad, so I brought it in this weekend (9/19/15) to have the alignment corrected. I was then told that the alignment could not be corrected until I purchase a new Rack and Pinion, and if I install it the warranty is void (Understandable). I then proceed to explain how unethical it was for the previous tech not not explain to me that I need this done before he would do the initial alignment. The current manager today (9/19/15) explains how he just conveniently fired the previous manager. There was no "Im sorry this happened", no "let me make things right", no "its ok, lets prorate that into the labor" nothing at all but a quote. Later on I go to another shop and was told "You do not need a rack and pinion", and Tire Works never adjusted my camber or anything (which is why it was pulling)
This place is garbage and has lost a valued customer. If anyone that reads this and needs further information feel free to email me at HonestReviews702@gmail and I will provide documentation, and guidance as to who to speak to.
Moral of the story: I just donated $80 for service that was never completed the first time. I will spread the word like wild fire and hope this company can improve on customer retention. BBB will also hear about this.