Having heard so much about Mrs. Whites, had to try it.
Known for its Fried Chicken, on my first trip I asked the Counter Waitress (very helpful by the way) what she suggested and she said "The Pork Chop." Well I came for the Fried Chicken so she suggested a "Combination Plate" with both. Glad she did!
The Pork Chop, thin and apparently pan fried was absolutely TERRIFIC! If I could have, I would have eaten the bone! Obviously a combination of coating and temperature, which is able to partially caramelize the small amount of fat on the Pork Chop, make it delectable. The Fried Chicken was a bit of a disappointment on both occasions. NOT the best I have had and honestly, I could almost do as well at home. Additionally, the breast piece (on both occasions) was anemic without much meat and skin. Sides? Mac and Cheese and the Cabbage are addictive. The best? CORNBREAD! Wonderful, hot, full of flavor and no butter is needed.
NOT a bargain at $13 without a drink for lunch (they are only open until 7 PM) but lots of choices besides the Pork Chop and Fried Chicken.