I've brought my Smitty in a few times now for soft paws and de-shedding. She can be... how shall I put this... combative when such things are being done to her. But Carmen and her staff work quickly and painlessly. Where it would take me an hour and a good pair of work gloves to chase her down, bribe her with treats and trim those nails, they are able to get it done with little protest in the time it takes me to read through my emails and twitter feed in their front lobby.
I've also boarded her there once and she seemed fine when I got her, minus her usual pissed-offedness at me for going away. That leads to a good customer service story. When I asked if I could drop her off and pick her up at off hours due to our flight plan, they worked with me to make sure there was someone there for drop off and pickup, and even gave me cell numbers to reach in case things changed.
I have nothing but good things to say about Feline Fabulous.