| - After several shots I think I'm finally giving up on this store.
First time about a year ago I waited 7+ hours from my front breaks to be replaced.
A couple of months ago I got my oil changed and they forgot to delete the oil change light; which is extremely annoying when driving a car that reminds you every time you turn it on.
A month or so ago I came to get my back breaks replaced, which the job was incomplete, so I had to make another appointment at 11, and specifically informed the crew up front that I have 2 hours to get in and out by 1:30 and to work by 2pm. I'm no tech, but I'm sure It shouldn't take more that 2 hours to delete two error codes and install two break sensors. So I'm in I wait till 1pm now I'm getting antsy cause I have to be at work in an hour. I wait another 15-20 and walk outside thinking, maybe they're done with it and they're just getting my keys. 1:35pm now I'm getting upset. I remind them I have to be at work by 2. Quickly I receive my keys and I'm out the door. VICTORY! ... NOT! I leave at 1:40 my job is 25 minutes away... So 5 Minutes driving away from the store, while I'm relaying my experience to customer service I get a call from the store. I merge both calls and the store rep says my tires were not torqued at all. Thank you for putting, not only my life, but the life of the drivers around me in jeopardy. I go back and have to wait another 20 minutes to get my tires torqued. Eventually I'm 45 minutes late to work and my service light for my oil change is still on... Customer service, also mentioned I'd be reached to by the regional manager and the service manager of the store contacted me; still waiting for regional manager phone call...
A week ago I start feeling some vibration from my steering wheel. So I think, I need a balance and alignment; cause I'm also pulling to the left. I make yet another appointment on Monday for Wednesday at 5pm, after work, and ask for Alex cause of the reviews and comments I see on here, and social media. I get to the shop and turns out Alex is not there and no one knows where he is. As I wait for the to representatives up front to figure out where the tech is I ask to get my car started by someone else. They ask me to sign a paper and as one gets the receipts the other turns and says something under his breath to the other guy for me to not hear.... Unprofessional much... Who am I to know I've only worked in a couple hotels in one of the biggest hospitality industries on this planet. Eventually after 20 minutes it turns out the technician Alex called out. Why were they not informed, and why was I not contacted earlier of this inconvenience.
Another customer comes in while both representatives are in the shop area and starts talking about their customer service and her past experiences. Which were not in good light!
Seems like the issue is communication between crew members.
So I now sit here in the lobby, while I wait, watching the 6 o'clock news.
Next time I'll just go to BMW. Where they get it right and done completely the first time, and offer a shuttle service home; so I'm not waiting 2+ hours for a job that takes less than 1 hour.
Thanks for stealing my time Firestone. The one thing I cannot get back or be replaced.