I started going to Vinnie's when I was in college at PItt in the 60's. I always remembered it as the best pizza I ever had in my young life. A few years ago, I went back to see it it was still as good. I am happy to report that Vinnie still has the best pizza I have ever had. The best part is that the toppings are almost overwhelming. My wife likes veggie pizzas and I like meaty ones. We split a half spinach/half pepperoni and sausage pizza. There was so much meat, I felt like I'd fallen into a Man vs Food episode. The people who go there are like my relatives in W/PA. They make it memorable, like the wedding scene from the Deer Hunter. This isn't some yuppie, Neapolitan, truffle oil infused, arugula and chicken mole monstrosity conjured up by someone pretending to make pizza. The crust is great, the sauce is good. The beer is cold. This is what you came for. Oh, be prepared to take out what you can't eat. Unless you are Adam Richman, you won't finish it.