The people that come out to stage and photograph your items are wonderful-that's the good part-it's all downhill from there. No one tells you people will be banging on your door the day prior to pick up demanding to get their items a day in advance. On their collection contracts for the buyers the font and bold for pick up date needs to be more highlighted. I almost called 911 when a bunch of men in a truck were banging on my door when I was home alone. On pick up day there are not enough people policing who's coming in versus who's just wondering in off the streets going through your items. If you're saving anything it's best to take it offsite and into storage as I repeatedly asked that nothing be moved by an heirloom grandfather clock-several items were-and it got damaged in the process. I would have like to give this company a higher rating as the gentleman that helps move sold items and the husband and wife staging team were pleasant and professional but they were simply overwhelmed on pick up day and my property got damaged. Also know that what's not picked up on the scheduled day is subject to pick up on clean up day so expect people to be banging on your door unscheduled just like my experience the day before pick up-be prepared to call Metro!