So this place is a scam. In order to see a place you have to register online for an appt. Before your viewing appt you are told to bring $50 CASH for your application fee, I arrived at my viewing at my scheduled time only to find 10 other people there looking...then within the 10 mins of my being there ANOTHER 10ppl showed up to also look at the place.
They tell you the applications are processed in the order they are received so of course EVERYONE is paying their money. Less than 24 hours later I received an email stating the place had been rented = $50 x 20ppl minimum (I'm sure more people came after I left) that's a $1000 profit of untraceable money being brought in on JUST showings. Pretty safe to say they may have processed 5 actual applications...and that's only assuming 4 people were declined. I've never had a company request CASH for an application fee, most want a money order, but money orders require bank deposits which in turn are traceable you can clearly see what's being done here.
IRS may needs to take a look into this....
Most realtors especially here in the Valley are slum lords, you're almost always better of going with a private owner.