I am absolutely dumbfounded. I shop at this Michael's at least once a week because I work four doors down and I tried to purchase these two items the other night and I was refused them. I was told they weren't authorized to be sold anymore and that they shouldn't have been on floor??? WELL THEY WERE. I kept asking and asking why and it was astonishing how they couldn't give me straight answer except that people found them offensive??? What is offensive about these Santa's? Are religious rights just that emboldened that Michael's couldn't stand up to such ridiculousness? How many people could have possibly complained??? And honestly regardless of if they should have been on the floor or not, they were, and the sale should have been overridden and honored. They were the last two Santa's, I am over 21, and absolutely not offended by these Santa's in any way, I really wanted them and I know I could have had them had they just scanned my other santa I was purchasing three times. NOT A BIG DEAL. Instead the cashier and manager were stumbling over their words with no real explanation as to why the current situation was going down. I am extremely disappointed in Michael's and the fact that they would give in to such ridiculous, ignoramus, BS. There is nothing offensive about these Santa's, Jesus HIMSELF drank wine. And furthermore it's absolutely absurd that these Santa's are still up on their website if they're not "allowed/authorized" to be sold. I will be contacting corporate for sure.