| - This shop has a funny way of welcoming customers. The elderly lady on duty, possibly the owner, tried to pick a fight with me.
The store specializes in fantasy and romance books. When I commented that I had never seen books like them before, she went ballistic, starting with "Books have been around for at least 500 years. You're just finding out about them now?"
Maybe hearing problems made her misconstrue my harmless remark. Baring her dentures, she unleashed a blistering tirade based on a theme that I'm an illiterate clod. As I went on my merry way, the miserable wretch let loose a few more zingers for good measure.
It's a shame that so many cranky senior citizens reinforce the stereotype. They should try to enjoy what little time they have left. For some, though, being an old grouch is the only fun they have. Let us be thankful for having teeth, hair, skin, eyes and other attributes that make us appear human. For those less fortunate, a moment of sorrow.
She sure taught me a lesson: Stay the hell away from Westgate Book Exchange. Other than grocery stores, I shop at bookstores more than any other type of business. A good thing about a bookstore: the people are nice. What went wrong here?
I can only hope she was so cranky because the business is failing. Nothing would make me happier than to see a vacant storefront on this spot. If there's a benefit of the recession, it's that a few undeserving businesses are put out of their misery.
Don't waste your time at Westgate Book Exchange. Support a worthy bookseller like Dead Poet.. Thank you.