I have been to Yorkdale Shopping Centre so many times over the years.... I saw it from it's humble beginnings to now a "world class" mall with all these designer stores!
Yorkdale is now like a Uptown Yorkville! And with the new Dine on 3 food court.. I definitely will eat at food courts more often!
Parking is a nightmare though... yes it is a nightmare! Can you imagine on a Thursday afternoon I have to circle around and around looking for a parking space for over 15 minute! I almost give up..and go somewhere else.... but I want to check out the food court!
Yorkdale kept expanding, changing and remodelling.. I sometimes do feel really lost here.... Here you can find really nice things.. yes a Louis Vuitton Store... and even a $300 Burr Coffee Grinder, a set of Le Creset cookware for my kitchen... Or a Tiffany diamond ring...
Maybe I have to come here to work on my Christmas wish list for Santa!