We are new home owner and our heating stop working during the Christmas holidays. We were freezing cold. We called Survice Expert (according to their website - you can call 24/7), they told us that we have to pay extra for holidays which is OK, we understand that. Then, they told us their technician will call us and we asked for the time frame for the expected call. They told us that they cannot say. We waited for couple of hours and nobody contact us.
We finally called Gorjanc and they called us back within 10 min. Gorjanc came within 45 min and fixed the problem. Survice Expert technician hadn't called us at all. We finally called back to cancel the appointment.
I can understand if they give us a call in a reasonable time to tell us that they are giving service to the other clients and tell us the time frame that we need to wait. They just told us that you have to wait but for how long? hours? weeks? months?
The point is if your heating is down and you are freezing cold, you better look for the other company. Otherwise, you will die before they call you.
Yes, their website is correct, you can call 24/7 but they won't call you back.