So when you have a friend that gets to turnt for brunch.. things happen and you have to get your car cleaned.
Ended up taking my car here to get a full detail. I drove up on a Wednesday afternoon and they weren't very busy. I went in to get a price and hand over my keys. There was a guy that came over and started to give me a quote. He said it usually can be hundreds of dollar for a bio and la la la but he gave me a rate of $120.00. I was so down. I knew another friend that paid over $300.00. So I sat down in their lobby and started to do my homework. I plugged in my laptop and got on the free wifi. After finishing up some of my homework I actually took a look around. They have a lot of random stuff. Wine Corks, Necklaces, Hot Cheetos, and Massage Chairs. There is also a nice comfy couch I almost fell asleep on. After about an hour and a half they had me come check my car. The outside looked great and the drivers side as well. The passenger side still needed a little more clean up. They missed like a crack and the seat belt area. So i showed him and he took care of it. The thing I really didn't like was that fact they threw all of my stuff into the trunk. It was a mess. All in all it was a okay cleaning. I saw more stuff later that was missed like the ceiling and my glass from the speedometer was dirty. Might go back but I'll keep in mind the things they missed.