Okay. I get the whole, "We don't use pesticides on our produce" movement. Believe me, I do. I understand organic and I'm cool with it. But when I buy a single apple from you and bite into it in the car only to find a bug inside...please don't tell me, "Oh that happens sometimes with organic fruit." like I'm an idiot fat cat consumer who has never eaten a real apple before. Then offer me another free apple. I seriously just found a bug in your apple. WHY WOULD I WANT ANOTHER ONE?
I don't even want you to waste the paper to refund me the 25 cents I spent on the stupid apple. I just want you to apologize to me and CHECK YOUR APPLES. Not stand there and tell me that "it happens" with organic fruit.
I won't ever buy produce from here again because of that. They do have a nice selection of wines, vegan cheeses, and other dairy/egg/meat substitutes though. I just refuse to trust their produce. After reading other peoples reviews I feel really bad giving it a low rating based on one experience but honestly it just ruined their entire produce section and view on their customer service for me forever.