What, a McDonald's 1st to review?? I thought they were all covered already! Anyway, this particular McDonald's is located in a 'questionable after 9 PM' neighborhood. It can be a tiny bit dangerous to be wandering around here at night.
Food? Your standard McDonald's over-processed grub. It's greasy, salty, but likely to bring back some fond memories. I still get my Cheeseburger Happy Meal almost everytime. But now with apples instead of the usual sleeve of crack-addled fries? I don't know about that one. Good try McDonald's getting through the childhood obesity barrier, but alas, you leave many kids whining for their fry fix.
Nothing fancy at this McDonald's, about as basic as you can get. Looks like just about any other old-style building one. Those newer, more modern looking McDonald's? Very shiek...makes me almost think I'm eating in a classy joint. Almost.