| - This is primarily a review of the shoe section, which I've checked out twice. In both cases the staff seemed a bit uninformed about makes, inventory, and care. I understand that, as it's not really a shoe store, but just a few metres away in the clothing section a staff member was explaining to another customer that his shoes are bespoke and how he takes care of them. Why wasn't that guy in the shoe section? (Also, why would you let your staff walk around in bespoke shoes, necessarily upstaging anything available in the store. Isn't that a thing?)
They have some nice shoes there, but mostly lower range than I was expecting. Their shoe prices were about 15% higher than what I'd seen for the same models at the Bay 20 minutes before, so I wasn't impressed there.
They had a lot of pretty socks, but no linen socks. They tried to explain to me that money from the socks goes to charity, but again, they had no linen socks. This city is like 5000 degrees, why is it so hard to dress myself 100% in linen?
They took my email address to add me to some sort of Harry Rosen club, and promised they'd write, but never have.