| - I've seen Chippendales and Thunder From Down Under each one time, two years apart, so obviously I'm an expert about this kind of entertainment :-) Of the two, I found Thunder to be much more entertaining. The men are hunkier - more manly-looking, not so many ultra-pretty faces, but very impressive, muscular bodies. The guys also seemed much friendlier with the audience, and the audience was much smaller, which was fun. They were also pretty good dancers, unlike Chippendales, who I could see counting off the steps in their heads as they danced. Thunder even had some guys who could do impressive acrobatic stunts. There's no full-frontal nudity, but there were plenty of cute tushes. Also, this show is on the stip. Chippendales isn't. So I'd say this is the better choice if you are deciding between the two.