You might find a good deal or two. Worth checking out.
I have to admit that I don't feel comfortable in here. Can't help having this unsafe sensation---some things stacked so high---what at first seems to be, but really isn't---towering up to the ceiling. And the dim lighting. I'm sure it's an energy conservation measure, but just a little unwelcoming. Would hate being in here if an emergency evacuation was necessary. Have stopped here maybe 3 times since it opened, and each time left with just two or three items.
The first time, during the holidays, I saw empty round tin containers decorated with Christmas themed designs for almost twice the price offered at Marcs. Those exact same tins were filled with Swedish butter cookies at Marcs. Not a good deal. Before buying a lot of one thing, it might be worth checking out other stores first. Probably because of that, I can't help wondering just how good their discounts really are for other merchandise whose pricing I'm unfamiliar with.
Just last week, however, I lucked out. I bought a very nicely-designed metal plant stand for $10.00. I had been looking for something to put outside. If this one rusts, that's okay---it will probably look even better once weathered---and the price was a lot less than those at Lowe's that weren't as well-made or as nice-looking.
Would recommend exploring---there just might be a great value in here somewhere.
My cute garden plant stand was.