EDIT: i was contacted by the manager of the stores and a solution has been reached. bumping them up 3 stars. - I normally dont talk bad about people, or anything like that. Im one of the nicest people you will ever meet. With that being said i have to say Red Star Vapor or mainly Buddy who works there was a total douche to me right now as i was trying to return a fogger that i bought and was told that i could return. Probably because he built it but he continually bashed my atlantis and kept saying i would get dry hits among other things. After all this i ask about the return and he denies it. I turn to fellow vapers and ask "anybody want a fogger?" (For free i might add cause im never going to use it.) Everyone in the shop looked at me like i had peed in the lemonade. As if that was the wrong thing to do. So i left and I will never return. Lesson learned.