DO NOT LIVE HERE!!! Moved my son & his friend in there while attending school... They have had parts stolen off their vehicles, police called there for domestic disputes on numerous occasions, but today takes the cake! They were the victims of a HOME INVASION!!! At 11am on a Monday!! My son was just waking up from working late the night before when a guy opens the door to his bedroom... my son yelled at him to the the hell out! On his way out the guy grabbed a backpack on the floor (that he apparently had been filling with their car keys, ipods & other stuff around the house) & attempted to leave, of course my son grabbed the pb from him & the douchbag pulled a KNIFE! Fortunately my son didn't pursue him further & the guy ran off! He had also unhooked all of their electronics, pocketed & got away with their wallets! When I called the office to make sure they would be fixing the lock & reinforcing the sliding door with a piece of wood in the track, they said "yes, the police came by & asked about where was that apt.... but I told them I didn't know what was going on" DUH?! Thankfully they have already given notice & will be out in less than a week anyways but THIS COMPLEX IS NOT SAFE!