My Wife loves Italian food!!! I, in the other hand not so much until I tasted their sauce on a small bowl of side dish spaghetti along with the main eggplant dish I ordered. I kept making "mmm....mmmm....mmmm" yummy noises and batted my eye lashes to my Wife as I devoured the side dish. I pause and try to find the unique flavors in the sauce and only could pronounce "!" But later, woke up from the high and gave an educated guess: Anchovies! I would not try anchovies on my pizzas...these critters need to be invisible like escargots. Ironic! I in my 37 years finally found an Italian place that almost over tops Filipino, Thai, Indian, KoMex, Kogi BBQ, etc....
Oh, I don't mind the wait much because it's a 5 star.......