I love this bakery. My girlfriend and I were in this area shopping and we both have quite the sweet tooth so we randomly decided to walk in right before they closed to grab some treats.
We opted to share a slice of the strawberry short cake (with WHIPPED cream, not Bavarian cream) and I also ordered this powdered sugar covered cookie with red in the middle looking thing (I don't know what it was called, it was an impulse buy). As I was checking out, I saw the sign that said "Check in on Yelp." So, I checked in on Yelp, showed it to the cashier, and she gave me 12 FREE COOKIES. F*ing RIGHT ON! We chose our free cookies and went on our way.
This strawberry cake is truly a slice of heaven. Wonderfully moist and obviously made with fresh ingredients. It melts in your mouth. I only had a couple of bites and it's actually in my fridge right now... I cannot wait to demolish it when I get home from work. ;)