We came here to check out Honey T.'s Dance For Japan UYE...Cool lounge with a hipster atmosphere, cool beats, and interesting cocktail selections.
As interesting as the cocktails were, so were the mix of people there, from the drunk girl pacing back and forth trying to text someone and almost falling flat on her face, to the dude who says he's the "Randon Dude on Facebook"
We were chillin' in the back, and during our time there not one, but two dance battles broke out-Anthony M. and Andy T. battled for their freak dance bragging rights, and this dude that was with "his sister"(doin' raunchy things)
got into a battle with Angela H. after he tried to school her on how to do the Kid N Play move....Yeah, she schooled him with The Running Man and Roger Rabbit!
Good fun and good times....ALOHA!!!