| - My experience at Veterinary Neurological Clinic has turned a traumatic experience into an amazing one. I am certain without the care and love given over a two week period to my Pomeranian, he would not be walking today. It was a simple jump that instantly paralyzed my dog and sent him into excruciating pain. We took him to an ER Vet who referred us to the NeuroVet 45minutes away. Dr.'s Schissler and Evans determined he had a herniated disc and bleeding in his spine. This was a very serious spinal injury and he may not be walking at all, could be in a wheelchair unable to urinate etc...Oh yes, this was a very serious situation. And just a short time ago he was excitedly jumping up to greet me!!
It was clearly communicated to me what my options were. None of them were great, they were all huge decisions, costly and could change our lives. I completely fell apart emotionally. I opted to have the MRI done and immediate surgery if necessary. I was only in town for the weekend and leaving in the morning. This changed everything and I realized I would be going nowhere anytime soon.
Kiko needed to be kept at least overnight to monitor his stability and further determine if surgery was necessary. I have never been away from my little dog; they were very understanding and let me see and hold him before we left. He was in a very sanitary hospital, kennel environment that was heated and quite nice. He was being closely monitored and was wrapped in a heated cozy wrap called a bear hug to keep him warm. I felt overwhelming sadness but was now comfortable leaving him.
The shorter version of this frightening, shocking, two week ordeal, was not knowing if I was going home with my pet or not. Several trips to the Neuro Vet Clinic as well as several late night ER Vet trips to various clinics brought the realization that of all the Veterinarians we have seen in the last two weeks, Dr. Evans and his staff are the BEST of the BEST!
Dr. Evans has apparently been at this clinic for some 10 years and it shows. His definitive detailing of the diagnosis, explaining the MRI, carefully prescribing and monitoring Kiko's meds and managing what others had prescribed, getting us in for emergency appts, taking my weekend/late Emergency calls, devoting all attention and time to us during each appointment, recommending at home care, what to look for, problems that may arise, even continuing health care over the phone when we do travel home. The list goes on and on...
Again, I live in another state but ended up staying two weeks because my little Pom could not travel. My expenses have been phenomenal to say the least. The clinic has been very generous in assisting me.
Dr. Evans is incredibly, kind and has 'put forth insurmountable effort, going the extra mile at all times' to care for my dog and I have watched him do so every time I've been at this clinic with each patient. You will not get better care anywhere. I am forever indebted, they gave me my little baby Kiko back!! I will absolutely be coming back to visit them in the future if for no other reason to say Hello and Thank You again!!
Teres and Kiko