My sister moved to Phoenix a year ago and I've heard claims that "there's no good Mexican food in Phoenix" which is ludicrous, even for somewhere who's never lived here. So in my latest effort to prove her wrong, I brought her and her friends to Otro Cafe, where I hoped the upscale take on the local cuisine would change her mind.To be sure, she seemed to be impressed by how the chorizo and vegetables made a typical queso fundido a little more interesting, and did I see a glimmer of jealousy in her eyes as she looked at my Inca salad, a wonderful quinoa mixture of Mexican flavors that was healthy and fulfilling? Or maybe the green-eyed looks of jealousy at my pork belly or al pastor tacos? Did she appreciate how the chicken soup was a Mexican interpretation of pho? I don't know, but there wasn't many leftovers.