Why why why did I go here? What was I thinking?. I wasn't drunk, I wasn't kidnapped, I wasn't even forced at gunpoint and nobody sent me on a dare. what the hell is wrong with me?
Ever not eat at a golden corral for 4 years, see a commercial and go, forgetting how bad it is? It's like the Walmart of resturants.
They make sure to keep all the obnoxious fluorescent lights on so you can see the hospital beige walls and tired booths. This is the only place in the world that can take basic food and turn it into a grosser version of itself. Not 1 thing beside the yeast rolls is good. Not.1 thing. Mashed potatoes? Can't even mash a real potato . Do yourself a favor and scald your tongue before eating here, maybe then you wont be as offended as I am
I don't know, maybe you like your meals from the microwave, then this might be the place for you. And weed, smelling like the doobie puffin mcstuffin smoked before he got behind you in line.
This is where good food goes to die.