Our experience was much like Jaclyn's. Can someone just close this [f*cked up excuse for a] club down already?!
1. Our promoter told us that we needed to show up with a group of 5 girls total for a booth and free bottle service. When we got there it was.. *gasp* 7 girls instead! Wow, what a surprise. They lied. So, we hustle and made a few new friends.
2. Next, we had to pay $10 each. It's half our cover and was required for utilizing their bottle service. So, we coughed up $70.
3. We get a bottle of Sky Vodka. After 30 minutes at our booth, we got the boot. They SOLD our 'effin table and were moving us to the bar. Our bottle was still half full. We had to pour whatever was left into plastic cups as we were shuffled towards the bar.
4. They got us a free round of shots. After we ordered our Patron shots, Mr. Security Guard #1 came up to us and said we needed to tip $40 or else we need to leave the club. Tip who?! Our waitress? The one who came over once before they kicked us out of the table they promised us?! F*ck that!
5. Since we refused, he proceeded to escort us out through the entrance and down the escalator. Too bad Mr. Security Guard #2 yelled at me and told me that I couldn't exit that way. So in confusion, I turned around. Mr. Security Guard #1 was behind me and told me to "GET THE F*CK OUT!"
No problem, idiot! I hope this piece of sh*t place gets shut down and you're out on your ass, Mr. Security Guard #1.