Boasting "Chicago Style Pizza" and "Chicago Italian Beef" I was really looking forward to this dinner! The ONLY thing Chicago about the pizza was the fact that it was cut into squares (we got the thin crust). The worst part of the meal was the beef... You know... That thing that we would walk on molten broken glass for... The worst part of the beef is that they got the bread and the giardinair right... Noone get's those right... The beef was inedible and covered in Parmesan Cheese. Which I like... BUT NOT ON MY BEEF!!! The pizza sauce was sweet like a California sauce! Not tomatoey and full of italian seasoning like any self respecting Chicago sauce is. The beef... The meat was overcooked and the flavor was just... WRONG. I didn't make it through 1/2 of my $12+ dollar sandwich before I threw it away in tears and opted to eat some peanuts for dinner in lieu of putting myself through the torture of taking one more bit of that atrocious sandwich! I've had sandwiches that were touted as "C-Style Italian Beef" that were good... just not legit... This sandwich was really just BAD! HORRIBLE! INEDIBLE! ROTTEN!!!!