I got a new bike from my brother-in-law, and it had seen better days, the chain was rusty, the brakes were squeaky, and the tires were flat. I came to the "Bike Shop," and they were attentive and super helpful.
I rolled the bike in and right away, the owner maybe?, came up and asked if I needed any help with my bike. I explained my situation and right away he was able to see that my chain and brakes simply needed oil and most of the rust was cosmetic and would come off with a rag and a foamy gunk cleaner. He inflated my tires for free and suggested that I might need new ones in the future, but for street riding, I should be good to go.
I came in thinking I was going to drop $80 for a new chain and a tune up but only needed some cleaning oil and air in the tires. You have to love a shop that offers up truthful service rather sell me (a bike novice) on anything and everything.