It's a shithole but I go there because I (less and less) because live close and the WIFI is free. I like LUX a lot better and am more and more likely to make the trek.
Every night is either lesbian folk music night, open mic night which seems to attract talentless unbathed losers, or 12 step biker gang night.
I lifted up the toilet seat to pee one time and a roach scurried out from underneath. WTF? Don't eat food there. The roach probably ran right from the dirty toilet rim right to the kitchen for a snack. Imagine if someone had sat down instead and the roach crawled up on them right between their legs? Shiver at the thought.
I work at home a lot and sometimes go there during the day for the free iced tea refills and wifi, just to get out of the house. Less and less as I trek over to LUX a lot more now which is clean and has a clientle that aren't mouth-breathers.