Do not use this company. They use the special to get in your home, then quote you a price that is practically double the cost by calling a supervisor for some special approval. Do not fall for this. There is so much better things you can do with your hard earned money. AFter 1 month the stains that I paid extra for deep cleaning returned to surface, and I called the company which said they would file a claim. I never heard from them. I called them to follow up and they said that the did call, but I needed my original receipt to validate the claim that the technician gave me. He told me that the work was guaranteed for 1 year, and of course knew that it wasn't possible to keep that claim. They are liars, and the stains return. What's more to say. Oh, yes they did offer me to have another technician come our and to a steam cleaning for $39. Not for free, $39!!! Please!!!