| - SORRY SO LONG- But this is a fantastic story WORTH READING & SHARING!
I had the pleasure of working with Randy this week. We called him out of the blue, after googling "pet sitter Las Vegas". I am a pet groomer in Dayton OH. A friend and client of mine moved to Las Vegas when one month later he suddenly passed away stranding his dog in Las Vegas. The family was desperate to have Colt home, especially by the funeral. It was very difficult to coordinate his shipment home because we didn't know anyone on that end. I called local groomers, the animal hospital he was boarding at, the humane society, rescue groups, and local churches!! No help. Which lead to my pet sitter search. Randy was a gem! Not only did he get Colt to the airport at 5am (the only time Colt could fly because of the heat), but did the shopping for the necessary items he needed to be compliant to fly! He had to go to the store 3 times! He did a lot of leg work for us that we just couldn't have done from here.
Every time I talked to him via phone he was friendly and helpful!
He took excellent care of Colt... Like he was his own... And was mindful of other dogs he was responsible for while coordinating with me about Colt's trip. Another cool thing was, he had a payment option on his website, so when we needed to pay for the crate and travel necessities, he called me from the store with an amount, which he got notification of me paying right on his phone!! then he went through the checkout. It was awesome!
When he got Colt to the airport, he took the time to make sure he "pottied" before his flight.
I can't tell you how having Colt home has brought happiness to the family during such a sad and cruel tragedy.
Being a pet professional myself, I can honestly say, if I am ever in Vegas... There is NO ONE, I mean HANDS DOWN- NO ONE else I would let care for my beloved pets!!