In Turtle Creek, this is probably the best pizza place, However, it's not in the top 10 pizza places in Pittsburgh or anything. Their Shelly pie is seriously enormous. If you order pepperoni and like your pizza to actually taste like a giant piece of pepperoni and upon completion of the pizza wish to turn into a pepperoni, then order it. If you are so/so on pepperoni, do not order it. Most people probably wouldn't complain about too much pep - but this place puts WAY too much on their pizza. There is never enough cheese on the pie. The crust appears to be super thick, but it's just the outer ring of the pie... in the middle, it's always incredibly way too thin that it's impossible to eat by hand. Certainly try for yourself... I believe it's one of those acquired taste type of pizza. You can tell this is a relation to Vincents pizza. Not much of a difference.