Man this was a rough appointment. There was a lady in the waiting room talking on her phone loud enough that everyone in the room could hear her life story. The dr wasn't even there yet and there was about 6 people in the rather tight waiting room. The front office girl was very friendly and some of the patience were talking about how good of an oral surgeon the dr is. This gave me great hope at the time.
When I was finally called back the dental assistant did an xray in one of those around the world units. I was also a bit shocked that there weren't any doors on the exam rooms. It felt a bit awkward. After about 10 min of seeing the dr go from room to room he came in asked me about my poor broken tooth and said they should be able to pull it out. I said ok and the freaking out began. The dentist then left the room and it was another ten min before he came back said open up and stabbed me with the needle to numb my mouth. I was so shocked I pulled back. Every other dentist I've been to at least puts some orajel on there first. Then the dr left the room for another 20 min while the numbing took effect.
Now I have never had a tooth removed other then my wisdom teeth which I was asleep for. Let me just say I never want to go threw this again. It was so rough. He broke the tooth several times before he could pull it out and he got my lip a bit with whatever tools he was using. By the time he was done my lip was busted up and I was in a bit of shock over the whole thing. It was just horrible. Now with that said I did feel like he was a good dr. He was personable. Maybe it was just the procedure but it was really rough and I wasn't expecting so much blood. Anyways... I did like him as a dr but I'm not sure if I would return if I needed a procedure again.