I've gone to this gym for about a year, inconsistently because of my work but in a good week three or four times a week.
There are some trainers that are great. There are some that are not. One guy who is no longer here laughed at and mocked me when I didn't get an exercise right. I love the workouts themselves, especially the cardio class it kicks your butt, but I can do without trainers looking down on me. Or saying we need to go harder when I truly am doing my absolute best. There are a lot of days I leave feeling horrible about myself, not really what I'm going for from a gym.
Anyhow the workouts themselves are good. I just drown out the trainers and do my thing. But there's just an overall military style of enforcement of things that just doesn't work for me. Like if you're late you have to do burpees. Once I was a few minutes late, the trainer was still giving instruction. I had maybe four hours of sleep AND I left work early to make it to the class. I was not gonna do burpees! I'm gonna applaud myself for showing up. That instructor is the only guy I like and he didn't force me to do them.
If you're really hard on yourself, like me, I wouldn't recommend this gym. I already am upset at myself for not being faster/stronger and how much I sacrifice my body for the job I've chosen, I don't need to go to a gym that just disciplines me more and makes me feel bad when I'm doing my best, my best that day just to them sucks lol.